on Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 5, 2011

10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever

10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Beauty will save the world? And what beauty is – if not harmony. This couple really look very harmoniously after all?
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Nice shelter…Safety first
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Wedding in McDonald’s restaurant. Cheap and tasty. Judging by the size of bride and groom, this is their favorite meeting place
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Men like to show their women. To make other men envy them. And if you’re old, bald and waring glasses – how else to conquer the public, if not by displaying young attractive wife
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Fiona and Shrek  in real life…
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Mothers-in-law know that telepathic communication with men, leading their daughters down the aisle is necessary to keep thing running smoothly
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Not enough money? Caribbean wedding then
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever
Gothic,  or whatever today’s youth call this?
10 Oddest Wedding Ceremonies Ever